Increased Traffic.

Increased traffic on rural roads.

Roads are not suitable for the increased car and truck traffic through rural residential areas.

Residents received a notification letter (dated April 25, 2022) from the consultant for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation that the Maltby Rd / Concession Rd 4 intersection with the Hanlon Expressway will be closed for the Highway 6/Hanlon Expressway Midblock Interchange

The proposed 600 jobs for the Estill Innovation Industrial development may greatly increase the volume of vehicles using Sideroad 20N, Concession Rd 4, Forestell Rd, Wellington Rd 35 and 34.

The roads are not suitable for the increased traffic (e.g., weight restrictions, many hills creating poor sightlines and hidden driveways) and may be more hazardous for users of the road, including cyclist, walkers, and drivers.

The level of car and truck traffic on these roads is not sustainable nor welcomed. We have dog walkers, hikers, runners, cyclists, people walking/riding their horses sharing the 2 lane rural roads with little to no shoulder. Not to mention that across Concession Rd 4 is an active turtle nesting area.