Our concerns with the current/future developments in Puslinch.

Sideroad 20 & Concession 4 Significant Wetland Area and secondary farmland

Estill + Employment Land Development Concerns.

Industrial development would be welcomed if located in existing compatible areas, directing it away from rural residential, farmland and environmentally sensitive areas. Appropriate placement of industry ensures healthy rural communities and honours commitments made to rural character, agriculture, environment, and land stewardships made in the Wellington County Official Plan, that also serves Puslinch.


All Puslinch homes and businesses get their water from wells on their property and there is concern regarding industry putting unnecessary high demands on our water source.

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Noise & Light Pollution.

With the expansion of Guelph’s Hanlon Creek and Southgate business parks and the new Hwy 6 overpass it opens up new industrial lands close to our homes. Infringing on our quiet starlight lives.

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Loss of Agricultural Land.

With new businesses making Puslinch their home there has been a lot of designated agricultural lands being re-zoned to commercial/industrial. Loss of these lands impacts the essence of our rural community and the farms in it.

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Increased Traffic.

Increased traffic to our rural roads decreases safety for cyclists and dog walkers, increases noise and litter.

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Environmental Impact.

The depletion of our forests and wetlands can have significant effects on the environment, the wildlife, the people and the overall rural feel of Puslinch that we all love. Once it’s gone, it’s gone!

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Rural Lifestyle & Property Values.

Families have settled in this area for a rural lifestyle. The encroachment into our residential areas depletes the beauty of our surroundings and our property values will be impacted.

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